Strategic Advice

We are understand what is important (and also what is practically irrelevant) when dealing with legal issues in the entertainment and creative industries. We shape our advice based on that knowledge and our in-depth understanding of the practicalities (and commercial realities) of working in the entertainment and creative industries.

Strategic Advice

Lets Talk

We know that if you’re in the entertainment and creative industries, the last thing you want to worry about are legal matters.  We also know how difficult creative work can be if legal obligations are ignored or legal rights are not protected.  

As specialist lawyers with decades of combined experience in the entertainment, media, technology and creative industries, our Creative Lawyers know exactly what legal issues affect different people and are able to provide tailored assistance and advice to ensure your creative work is protected and your legal obligations are addressed properly.

Why should I work with a specialist Entertainment Lawyer and not a generic one?

The legal issues relevant to the entertainment and creative industries are extremely niche and unlike any other field.  Your run-of-the-mill lawyer may be able to advise you generally, but will never be able to offer the same specialist advice as an entertainment lawyer.

Our Creative Lawyers have dedicated their entire careers to understanding the complexities and specific legal concerns that affect musicians, actors, performers, film and television producers, writers, artists, illustrators, content makers, games developers and advertising agencies among many others in the creative industries.  We know what specific issues to cover in contracts and agreements to ensure your rights are protected, whichever side of the table you are on.

Practical and Strategic Advice

We cut to the chase!  

Our Creative Lawyers explain to clients (in plain English) the relevant rights, obligations, legal, commercial and practical matters in a manner which will allow the client to make decisions as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Providing a history of the law is something we do not do (unless you REALLY want to know) – we strategically focus on the practical outcome.

Why work with Creative Lawyers?

All of our staff have a personal connection to the entertainment and creative industries, whether that be as performers, producers, musicians, writers, artists or simply having a keen interest in the field.  This means that our Creative Lawyers and staff have a genuine care factor when it comes to assisting clients in the entertainment and creative industries.

From personal experience and many years of assisting clients in the entertainment and creative industries, we know the kinds of things creatives and entertainers worry about, and we are sensitive to the things that matter to them.  We aren’t like regular lawyers who often tend to boggle the mind of creative industry clients with highly technical legal jargon!  We always take the time to explain things in an understandable and conversational way, so that our creative industry clients feel comfortable working with us.

Our love for helping creatives comes from our personal experiences in the industry and our deep understanding of the legal issues involved.  

If you’re in need of specialist entertainment and creative legal advice or assistance, get in touch!

legal partner to the creative industries

Need help getting started? 

Need a contract drafted? Our checklists will help you get started! Our contract checklists and questionnaires help identify terms and issues to be addressed in agreements, registrations and other legal documents. They also create the most cost-effective method of providing us with the information we need to assist with your legal matters.
Words from the experts

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