Private Company Incorporation Checklist


Registering a company is an exciting step for a business owner and has many benefits, including tax incentives and limitation of personal liability.  

We can assist you with registering a new Private (PTY LTD) Company, and you can get started by completing and submitting the questions set out below. If you can’t answer certain questions, you’ll probably need legal advice, so just put ‘I don’t know’ or get in touch!

1. Company Details

A. What is the name of the Company you intend to set up?
B. Is the Company Name the same as an already registered Business Name? If so, provide the ABN connected to that Business Name.
C. In what state or territory will the Company be registered?
D. What will be the street address of the Company's registered office (no PO boxes)?
E. What is the street address of the Company's principal place of business, if different from the registered office?
F. Describe the Company's main business activity.

2. Company Type

A. Which suffix would you like to use at the end of your Company's name- Pty Ltd, Pty Limited, Proprietary Limited, etc?
B. Will your Company have its own special Constitution or will the company operate based on standard laws (the 'Replaceable Rules')?

3. Company Officeholders

A. How many Directors will the Company have?
B. Provide the Full Names (and any previous names), Tax File Numbers, Dates of Birth, City and Country of Birth for each Company Director. You can also submit this information to us via email:
C. Please provide the Company Secretary's full name, address, date of birth and place of birth, if not provided above.
D. Please provide the Company's Public Office full name, address, date of birth and place of birth, if not provided above.

4. Company Shares

A. How many shares will be issued in total? We suggest 120, if the intended share splits between shareholders can be reflected by a total of 120 shares.
B. What kinds (classes) of shares will be issued (ordinary, non-voting, preference or other)?
C. What will be the price of each share? If there is no pre-determined price, we suggest $1 per share.
D. How many Shareholders will the Company have?
E. Provide the following details for each shareholder:
1) Whether each shareholder is a company (if yes, provide ACN or country of incorporation);
2) Address;
3) How many shares each shareholder will be issued;
4) Whether the shares will be held beneficially; and
5) Whether the shares will be paid for in full.
Provide answer below or email details to

5. Tax

A. Does the Company require a Tax File Number (TFN)?
B. Which of the following tax registrations will your new company need?
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Pay as You Go (PAYG)
Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
Luxury Car Tax (LCT)
Fuel Tax Credits (FTC)
Wine Equalisation Tax (WET)

Your Details

Nearly there! Provide your details below and we'll let you know what else we need to get started.
Your Name
Your Email Address
Your Contact Number
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